Short Title:
ACTION/OUTREACH : Help others through the Journey Stages
Long Title:
We want to consider at each step of journey/lifecycle how we engage each audience groups awareness, interest, and behaviors as a timeline journey.
Recruiting more members to take actions. Bring newcomers through the stages of a journey that leads them into independent actions.
To raise the conscious awareness of these souls with a clear and valuable ( to the person) call to action
Suggested Tactics:
Be human centric
Allow people to make their own choices and step back or forward as trust is built
interactions include life choices and are iterative
When communicating in outreach, the stages of the journey and other mechanical words, like “matrix”, “lifecycle”, “grids”, are words we leave out, as they commonly are associated with the enemy
Be pure of heart
Identify the groups we want to reach, speak their language
Consider at each step of journey/lifecycle how we engage each audience groups awareness, interest, and behaviours as a timeline journey.
For each stage we would identify the best messaging, channels, actions (application) and support for people to achieve the best outcome.
A journey may involve multiple scenarios dependent on typical experiences of specific audience group .
A trigger might be something like a query or request at a certain stage of the journey
triggers can turn people off, or turn them on
Action Output:
Write ! Post ! Engage with others or groups
Report how the process works or doesn’t..
Suggest tactics
Provide re-useable example texts
Choose a stage below to help others get through that stage
The overall goal is from unawareness to independent mobilization
Journey Stages:
Recruitment: Write articles to engage all 99% of WeThePeople
Readers get triggered into taking the next step
They feel that they are reading about something bigger than themselves and are are attracted to it
Onboarding/training: Time For Actions - a Substack for Humans
Readers can find where their unique abilities and perspective can fit
Make it easy for them to decide how they fit. Present options.
Everyone feels special — because we all ARE unique !
Activists see how easy progress can be when they are allowed to choose their own actions.
Humans can feel important again
Support/outreach: Connect with like-minded people via email
Outcome: To Human is personal
Required Resources:
Must be a human
Must have some remaining care for humanity
Each stage has links to more specific, dedicated outreach actions that include more detailed process, suggestions, resources not listed on this page.
We are building an army of activists, more than just people who are awake.
Efforts in this area can have a multiplying affect
No direct action against our enemy by gains in this journey
Even if everyone agrees, we still need to counter the enemy
There are many, many groups of awake people that exist already. so try to leverage existing groups
Avoid pushy language
Avoid judgements of any one person, but be judgmental of our common enemy.
Be careful to avoid verbiage that directly aligns with the enemy and insect-like agenda.
respect human intelligence
we’ve all been compromised to one degree or another by immersion in computerized systems.
no hard rules, hard policies, direct lines
Be careful about self-reinforcing, cognitive, do-nothing silos, or spinning wheels
The key is outreach to action.. not just endless agreements, or disagreements
Nudge: Sometimes in sound design, a small nudge in one parameter or in the waveform can result in a totally different sound due to the complex interactions in waves and their time dependent characteristics. It is somewhat chaotic, and includes things like chaotic strange attractors. - Larry
Anti-social media: How aware we are while trying to function (as humans) in this or similar sphere of anti-social media? We send our consciousness into the “grid” Maybe we don't always realize we're doing that. And this artificial conduit of communication inevitably compromises our awareness, at least to a degree. It's part of the price we pay for the convenience of this type of communication about which I want to stay aware at all times. - Brek
Wheel-spinning: For me, focusing in negative connotation of words that aren’t intended to reach audience will create a barrier to positive action in our part. I may be wrong in this case, yet in the programs I work with, this is so common that we create a social charter including language to mitigate the risk of wheel spinning. - Goddess Purpurea
Intention: I tend towards building “something”; not perfect, something that can provide value, and iterate efforts based on response and feedback… Our intention is a big part of this- are we pure of heart? Is this a righteous cause? If so let us be mindful and living when we undertake our collaborative work of our goal to provide enablers and supports for humanity so they can choose and shape their own destiny with love and life affirming qualities - Goddess Purpurea
Fantastic how your capturing these conversations. Love your work