ACTION/OUTREACH : Connect with like-minded people via email
Discussion of Value or taking this action
Short Title:
ACTION/OUTREACH: Connect with like-minded people via email
Long Title:
Set up email contact with all current participants in this Solution Seeking Substack think tank project so we can explore the merits of continuing there as outside of Substack as well.
Bringing a small group of dedicated team member together to improve quality of output.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
Suggested Tactics:
Before emailing a group. EXPLICITLY get clear permission, in writing, from everyone on the group that it is OK to share the email address.
Only give out an email that is ok to share amongst the group, REPLY ALL will be used and encouraged
Retrieve email addresses from substack subscriptions
use anonymous emails, ex : protonmail
know that no email is truly anonymous from the email provider, as they usually require a cell phone number
Use Caution !
Try to vet people. Are they spies? Do they have a personal agenda, or vendetta, or are dividing instead of uniting?
Required Resources:
email addresses of dedicated members
Keeps some work more private, so it can be refined before being made public
Keeps public comment trees less confusing to navigate
Archives conversations in another place
Spreads ownership, instead of just the substack writer
This group should be able to continue if any one participant stops
Email is slower pace than comments
Email is less anonymous than public comment boards can be
We may get infiltrated by an enemy, without knowing
Emails can be easily forwarded to others or made public at anytime, so basic caution is still needed
Failed Tactics :
Failing to get full explicit, written, permission to share an email address to a group, that led to a massive nightmare.