Short Title
ACTION/COUNTER: Stop Paying Federal Taxes
Long Title
There are PROVEN, legitimate ways to stop paying all federal taxes.
Are you paying?
All taxes withheld - refund = paid taxes.
Do not talk about your refund unless it is in context of how much you paid in through the year
Go to
If you pay any amount in federal income taxes that is not FULLY REFUNDED, then follow the steps at Freedom Law School.
Use Smart business structures to remove taxes owed
S Corp, pass through, business deductions. Pay yourself a wage.
It is very possible to pay ZERO in Federal Taxes while still making a living income through an S Corp tax structure.
W2 employees will pay more in taxes for the same income as an S Corp, and there are very few deductions allowed for W2 employees.
Use the Health Insurance marketplaces to get government funded Health Insurance, if able to show a low enough income via tax docs.