Short Title
ACTION/COUNTER: Stop Chemtrails
Long Title
The Chemtrails operations to poison humanity is MASSIVE. It is nearly daily all across the world. Thousands of pilots and planes are involved. It has been going on for decades, but in the past few years, has EXPLODED.
Don’t believe it?? JUST. LOOK. UP. maybe, it’s only in some cities. But I see them here, nearly every day. Many people all around the world reported seeing them since the 1990s, but now, millions see them on a near daily basis since at least 2022.
It is the chemtrails and water poisoning that might explain why even unvaccinated people have symptoms and damage.
Chemtrail citizen investigator
“We can all become citizen investigators. If you have a good camera, especially one with telephoto capabilities, take photos of planes dispersing chemtrails. Make sure to enable the time stamp on the photo so that it can be documented and cross referenced with the FAA. If it cannot be cross referenced, then we have them. The initial question would then be, why is the FAA allowing so many undocumented flights? …..
Your mission, should you decide to a accept it, is to take time lapse photos and videos of chemtrails over your house. Be sure to enable the time stamp. Contact me through the comments and I’ll post them here. I’ll try to correlate them to recent satellite loops and flight logs.” - KYLE YOUNG
Local Law Enforcement
“Forward this post to your city council members with a personal not from you explaining your concerns. If you have a Consitutional sheriff send a link of this to him and explain that those who are funding and authorizing this need to be prosecuted under the Nuremberg code for crimes against humanity. If your congress people or senators have voted in favor of any of this, tell your sheriff they also need to be prosecuted.” - KYLE YOUNG